Through my own experience and as an individual therapist, I learned that most divorcing people have similar concerns.
They worry;

• This is a mistake
• I’ll be alone forever
• I am a failure

Individual therapy is helpful in the case of a divorce. However, coping is much easier when surrounded by a supportive group going through the same thing.

The research on therapy and support groups clearly states they are effective. After a group most women have a lot of positive things to say about the experience. They report:

• feeling calmer
• feeling understood
• feeling less isolated
• non-judgmental support
• making hard decisions
• taking difficult steps

A divorce is a difficult journey full of complicated losses. The research on groups consistently reports they help people face challenges, find resources, and cope. And in the case of a complicated loss like a divorce, that experience is invaluable.

Ruth Feinblum, LCSW helps people cope with a divorce, feel less anxious and improve their romantic relationship. She has a MSS and Post-Master’s Certificate in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy from Bryn Mawr College. She founded Growth Solutions Counseling in 2008.